Taesung S&E (CEO Park In-gyu), which was selected in the education and evaluation field of the National IT Industry Promotion Agency (NIPA)’s ‘2023 non-face-to-face leading service activation project in areas closely related to daily life’, is a CAE (Computer aided engineering) specialized company established in 1988. Based on our accumulated technology, we provide CAE software supply, consulting, and training services. Based on its existing stable business, it has also entered the cloud business field and is expanding its business into new business areas by operating ‘Virtual Class’, a software (SW) hands-on training platform, and ‘TSCLOUD’, an HPC (High Performance Computing).
Virtual Class is a web browser-based service that can be used on a variety of devices such as laptops and tablet PCs, and has the advantage of being able to select and use specifications that suit the needs of the class purpose and software used. In addition, SW installation is considered the most difficult part of SW practice classes, but the official explains that in Virtual Class, as long as the instructor establishes a practice environment, students can use the service right away without any separate SW installation or preparation process. In addition, it provides the ability to monitor practice situations without limiting the number of students and provide 1:1 remote instruction.
An official from Taesung S&E said, “After COVID-19, the overall education market shifted to online classes, but class efficiency decreased due to a decrease in students’ learning ability and lack of feedback due to the rapid transition. In particular, in the case of online SW practice, classes using existing video tools have reduced the effectiveness of education compared to other education fields,” he said. “Accordingly, our company has overcome the limitations of time and place to ensure learning opportunities and achieve achievement goals.” “We began developing an education platform for , and developed Virtual Class, a software practice education platform that can solve problems between instructors and students’ non-face-to-face SW practice training,” he explained.
Currently, Taesung S&E has passed one domestic patent application and six test results from the Korea Telecommunication Technology Association (TTA) as a result of its technological achievements. To enhance the service, an AI tutor function is scheduled to be provided in January 2024, and the construction of an emergency control system has been completed in preparation for service emergencies. Business achievements include promoting to various educational institutions and companies and securing a large number of customers through domestic and international exhibitions such as 2023 Edutech Korea Fair, 2023 Metaverse Korea, 2023 Talent Festival, 2023 Soft Wave, Edutech ASIA 2023, and SIMO EDUCATION. Business is also underway through collaboration with edtech companies.
An official said, “We developed a prototype in 2020 and are in the process of recognizing the effectiveness and business feasibility in SW practical training through a test bed for about two years at the TAESUNG Academy, which we operate, and concretizing the business model. I learned about the NIPA non-face-to-face leading service demonstration project. “Through this demonstration prior to commercialization, we were able to identify the needs of various classes for our service, and through that feedback, we decided that it was a very suitable demonstration project to advance and stabilize the service, so we supported it,” he said, explaining the background to his participation.
In addition, “We have a plan to supply the elementary, middle, and high school public education market as a top priority starting from 2024. “Digital textbooks will be introduced sequentially from 2025, and in the case of information subjects, the focus is on strengthening coding education experience and practice within the regular curriculum, which is in line with the expectation that the demand for SW practice will increase significantly,” he said. Contracts have been signed through verification with leading companies in the education market (Genius Textbook, Techville, etc.), and based on this, we plan to expand the domestic education market. Afterwards, based on stable services, we plan to expand the market to universities and companies in the adult education market. “Lastly, through collaboration with domestic and foreign SW suppliers, I would like to grow Virtual Class into a software hands-on training platform that must be completed in all domestic and international SW education.”
Meanwhile, the National IT Industry Promotion Agency (NIPA, Director Heo Seong-wook) aims to promote the distribution of non-face-to-face services in areas closely related to people’s daily lives, such as business, daily consumption, education/evaluation, and well-being/health in the pandemic era. We are pursuing a ‘service revitalization project’. Starting in 2021, as the non-face-to-face digital economy accelerates across the economy and society in response to the great digital transformation in the post-corona era, this project will select and support key investment areas focusing on services that urgently require non-face-to-face transformation. Taesung S&E has been selected in the field of education and evaluation.