
    InTheTech Prepares to Expand into Emerging Asian Markets Beyond India with Digital Cognitive Rehabilitation Solution ‘EYAS’

    – InTheTech established a joint venture, ‘InTheTech India,’ in December 2023, aiming to expand further into Asia.
    – Challenging for the CES 2025 Innovation Award with the digital healthcare cognitive rehabilitation solution ‘EYAS.’
    – InTheTech will launch ‘Cog Play,’ a brain training platform, in November, allowing global consumers to access it from anywhere.
    – The company aims to support not only patients suffering from cognitive impairments like ADHD and dementia but also general brain care for the public.

    SeungHo Choun, CEO of InTheTech, during an interview at the ‘Global Media Meetup’ held at MIK Base Camp │ Photo by AVING News
    SeungHo Choun, CEO of InTheTech, during an interview at the ‘Global Media Meetup’ held at MIK Base Camp │ Photo by AVING News

    InTheTech (CEO SeungHo Choun) participated in the ‘Global Media Meetup,’ held at MIK Base Camp in Seoul from July 24 to 26. The event, co-hosted by AVING News and U.S. tech media Geekspin, focuses on introducing Korean startups’ products and technologies to the global market. It also aims to expand business opportunities by providing early reports through global media about CES 2025 Innovation Award applications and participating startups.

    InTheTech, which began in the information and communication field, has grown into a specialist in digital healthcare. The company aims to “help people live better lives through optimized digital technology.” With its digital cognitive rehabilitation solution ‘EYAS’ and brain training platform ‘Cog Play,’ the company aims to become a global leader in the digital brain healthcare market.

    InTheTech has been actively preparing for overseas expansion, focusing on India. With a population of over 1.44 billion, India is rapidly emerging as one of the most attractive markets for global business across all sectors. InTheTech has been working with prominent medical experts in India since 2023 to introduce ‘EYAS’ to the market, establishing the joint venture ‘InTheTech India’ in December of the same year. The company also talks with Central Asia (Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan), Southeast Asia (Thailand, Malaysia, Vietnam), and Australia for export opportunities.

    EYAS Standard │ Image provided by InTheTech
    EYAS Standard │ Image provided by InTheTech

    InTheTech plans to challenge for the CES 2025 Innovation Award with its digital cognitive rehabilitation solution ‘EYAS.’

    ‘EYAS’ is a ‘digital cognitive rehabilitation solution’ used in hospitals to treat mild cognitive impairment and ADHD. Based on cognitive science and neuroscience, its continuous and repetitive cognitive training content offers effective cognitive improvement. The solution is widely used in rehabilitation and prevention markets to care for those with cognitive impairments and to prevent cognitive decline.

    According to InTheTech, “Despite the variety of cognitive rehabilitation solutions available, ‘EYAS’ stands out for its specialization and differentiated technology, earning recognition worldwide.” The company’s patented technologies include the ‘EyeLink System,’ which integrates eye-tracking with content, various evidence-based cognitive content covering six areas, personalized cognitive data, and optimized UI/UX for users and caregivers.

    SeungHo Choun, CEO of InTheTech, answering questions during the Global Media Meetup with Geekspin │ Photo by AVING News
    SeungHo Choun, CEO of InTheTech, answering questions during the Global Media Meetup with Geekspin │ Photo by AVING News

    During the Global Media Meetup, InTheTech presented its solutions and answered questions from Geekspin. Geekspin first inquired about the differences in device interfaces for children and seniors. In response, InTheTech explained that the curriculum, playlists, and content differ. The solution for seniors focuses on improving directional awareness, while the children’s version, designed for ADHD patients, targets improving concentration.

    They added, “Doctors, nurses, and counselors can become trainers after a week of training. The latest version, currently in development, features an AI trainer, allowing users to operate the device without needing external assistance.”

    CEO SeungHo Choun emphasized InTheTech’s pride in its content, stating, “Among companies developing digital therapeutic devices, we are ranked in the global top five regarding the number of cognitive improvement technology developers we employ. We thoroughly check the usability of our content for over six months before releasing it. We update it only after it has been used for at least six months and proven effective. We develop our content to verify the medical device’s functionality.”

    The company also expressed confidence in the global market, noting that it has garnered significant interest from countries like Australia and Malaysia, where customers have visited the company to purchase products directly.

    Hee-Jae Lee, InTheTech’s overseas sales team leader, pitching at the Global Media Meetup │ Photo by AVING News
    Hee-Jae Lee, InTheTech’s overseas sales team leader, pitching at the Global Media Meetup │ Photo by AVING News

    Geekspin also asked about the therapeutic effects of the solution. CEO Choun responded, “Our solution combines treatment and training. For example, some users may have weaker spatial perception or difficulty remembering phone numbers. Our digital therapy categorizes these issues and provides targeted improvement.” He added, “We will launch our brain training platform ‘Cog Play’ in November, allowing global consumers to use the platform anywhere. We’ve already confirmed its effectiveness at CES and in India. The joint venture in India was established in response to local demand, with over 100 million potential users expressing interest in ‘Cog Play.’”

    In addition to collaborating with medical professionals, InTheTech developed exercise content with rehabilitation medicine doctors from Kyungpook National University Hospital. The ‘Cog Play’ platform aims to develop content with doctors worldwide, having already created 200 content based on international research. Their business model involves producing content, collaborating with doctors from different countries, and offering it to patients on the platform.

    InTheTech hopes to expand into other Asian markets, including Malaysia, Australia, Thailand, and Vietnam, where healthcare needs related to aging populations are growing. “The cognitive rehabilitation and prevention markets are accelerating, and we believe ‘EYAS’ and ‘Cog Play’ will be viable solutions for these markets,” the company stated.

    The company plans to expand its presence by signing agency contracts or establishing joint ventures with overseas partners. It also aims to participate in international exhibitions, such as CES, Arab Health, and MEDICA, to stabilize business in at least ten countries.

    InTheTech concluded, “Our mission is to ensure that patients receive professional care in hospitals through ‘EYAS’ and continue their brain care with ‘Cog Play’ in daily life. We are committed to supporting both patients suffering from cognitive disorders such as ADHD and dementia and providing brain care for the general public.”

    Commemorative photo: Hee-Jae Lee (left), Helena Stone (center), and SeungHo Choun (right) │ Photo by AVING News
    Commemorative photo: Hee-Jae Lee (left), Helena Stone (center), and SeungHo Choun (right) │ Photo by AVING News