
    [Pangyo Tech] AhnLab received international standard certification for environmental management system!

    Environmental Management System ISO14001 Certification Ceremony |  Provided by AhnLab
    Environmental Management System ISO14001 Certification Ceremony | Provided by AhnLab

    AhnLab acquired ISO14001 certification, the international standard for environmental management systems, on July 21 and held a certification award ceremony on the 5th.

    The ISO14001 certification ceremony held at AhnLab’s headquarters on this day was attended by officials including AhnLab CEO Kang Seok-gyun and Korea Management Certification Board (KMR) CEO Hwang Eun-ju.

    ISO14001 is an international standard for environmental management systems established by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). An accredited certification body grants certification by reviewing the establishment of a company’s environmental management manual and process and actual implementation of environmental management.

    In the certification review, AhnLab received positive evaluations for ‘CEO’s environmental management leadership and will to implement’ and ‘implementation of specific environmental key initiatives and communication with stakeholders.’

    In fact, AhnLab uses ‘Every Little Detail’ (management of every detail for the environment) as its catchphrase, and ▲introduction of space and facilities (webinar room) dedicated to online seminars (2021) ▲introduction of reusable cups at the in-house cafe (2021~) ▲ We have been carrying out environmental management activities to reduce carbon emissions, such as introducing an umbrella rainwater remover to replace disposable plastic (2022~) ▲Establishing electric vehicle charging facilities (2022~).

    In addition, in order to communicate with stakeholders, we have consistently posted our environmental policy declaration, selection of specific tasks for continuous improvement of environmental performance, and achievement status on our website (ESG Dashboard, etc.).

    AhnLab CEO Kang Seok-gyun said, “Starting with obtaining ISO14001 certification, we will integrate the environmental management system throughout our corporate activities,” adding, “We will continue to plan and execute to achieve the virtuous cycle of environmental performance that AhnLab intended.” “We will (do), monitor (check), and improve (act),” he said.

    Source: Pangyo Techno Valley Official Newsroom
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