
    [Pangyo Tech] AhnLab conducts knowledge sharing and capacity building program for executives and employees… “We will spread the ‘R&D culture’!”

    Overview of ‘AhnLab EDR 2.0 Launching Session’ |  Provided by AhnLab
    Overview of ‘AhnLab EDR 2.0 Launching Session’ | Provided by AhnLab

    AhnLab is spreading a ‘research and development culture’ for mutual growth of individuals and organizations by implementing various knowledge sharing and capacity building programs for executives and employees.

    AhnLab recently held the ‘AhnLab EDR 2.0 Launching Session’ where developers and planners shared the development process, know-how, and solution features of AhnLab EDR 2.0 (see supplementary materials) with executives and employees. ▲Work knowledge and skills to strengthen the capabilities of technical support professionals. Various knowledge-sharing events related to research and development were held, including the ‘Technical Support Center School’, which provides ▲’AhnLab Developer Conference’, which introduces technologies and insights necessary for the growth of research and development (R&D) personnel.

    At the ‘AhnLab EDR 2.0 Launching Session’ held on the 8th, planners and developers who participated in the development of AhnLab EDR 2.0 shared with employees the customer requirements and application processes that were considered during the process from product planning to development and release. . In addition, the developer demonstrated the main functions in detail through a product demonstration and also conducted a Q&A session to introduce the product’s features and benefits.

    To spread the research and development culture, AhnLab plans to continuously carry out programs to share expertise and development know-how on new products and services throughout the company.

    AhnLab's 'Technology Resources Headquarters School' scene |  Provided by AhnLab
    AhnLab’s ‘Technology Resources Headquarters School’ scene | Provided by AhnLab

    In addition, AhnLab continues to implement knowledge sharing programs to strengthen the capabilities of each job group. At the ‘Technical Support Headquarters School’ held last October, sessions on various topics were held for AhnLab’s technical support professionals to improve the level of their work. At the four-day event, external experts introduced the latest trends and communication skills related to technical support, and in-house experts provided actual customer technical support cases that can help in practice and even ways to utilize AhnLab’s integrated contact center ‘ASK’. Helpful know-how and knowledge were presented.

    The ‘AhnLab Developer Conference’ was also held in September to strengthen the capabilities of research and development (R&D) personnel. At this event, AhnLab invited external experts in various fields to share a wide range of knowledge and know-how that can be of practical help to developers’ work and careers. In addition, an ‘internal technology sharing session’ was also held where AhnLab’s research and development experts directly shared knowledge about their specialized fields and technologies.

    Baekmin Seong, Executive Director of AhnLab’s Management Support Office, said, “AhnLab is striving to put into practice the corporate mission of ‘contributing to a society in which we live together through continuous research and development.’” He added, “In the future, AhnLab will continue to work hard to achieve mutual growth for employees and the organization.” “We will create a corporate culture,” he said.

    Source: Pangyo Techno Valley Official Newsroom
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