MoaDream Co., Ltd. (CEO Don-Woo Cho), which was selected in the education and evaluation field of the National IT Industry Promotion Agency (NIPA)’s ‘2023 Non-face-to-face leading service activation project in areas closely related to daily life’, is able to overcome the limitations of information accessibility and information productivity for the visually impaired. It is a company that develops SMARTIO solutions and pursues resolution of the digital gap for the visually impaired, a socially vulnerable group, sustainable growth, and improvement in the quality of life of the visually impaired.
The ambition is to improve the lives of visually impaired people by digitizing Braille learning so that they can learn Braille alone, with their parents, or with friends anytime, anywhere, and by bridging the digital gap by accessing a variety of Braille content through wireless. The goal is to increase information accessibility and information productivity for the visually impaired by reducing store blindness.
By converting analog-centered Braille education materials and 1:1 offline-centered Braille learning methods to online and digital methods, ▲ self-directed learning or 1:N smart learning can be done in parallel ▲ Braille learning is possible anytime, anywhere ▲ Active self-study You can learn interactively with your desired learning content and teacher ▲ You can learn customized content by selecting content in various formats (audio, text, Braille) according to your learning level ▲ By presenting learning goals and translations, you can learn Braille for those who do not know Braille. It allows people to learn Braille with their parents or friends, thereby strengthening family bonds and contributing to the formation of social relationships.
MoaDream said, “From 2018 to 2021, through the Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA)’s CTS project, we will provide high-quality education on Braille input devices to improve information accessibility and information productivity for visually impaired students at Royal Academy, Jordan’s national school for the visually impaired. “I found out about the current state of Braille blindness,” he said. “Wrong perceptions about Braille and outdated teaching methods are obstacles to learning Braille, and have led to a crisis in Braille use and less than 5% of Braille literacy worldwide. To overcome this, EdTech digital “We developed the SMARTIO solution to contribute to improving the quality of life of the visually impaired by applying technology to solve this problem,” he explained.

Moadrim, which developed the SMARTIO Edu series, identified user needs through two overseas exhibitions (CSUN 2023, SightCity 2023), changed hardware in August 2023, and improved content development and service methods based on cloud apps. By conducting actual user verification targeting people with severe blindness in Korea, the effectiveness of improving tactile ability, improving dot shape discrimination ability, and improving customized digital Braille teaching content has been verified. In addition, we participated in the Accessibility Expo held in Dubai in 2023 and exported three digital Braille learning contents and export consultation for the SMARTIO Edu solution.
Our main target markets are governments and NGOs supporting the visually impaired in major countries around the world, schools for the visually impaired, health organizations under the UN, and organizations supporting the vulnerable.
Meanwhile, the National IT Industry Promotion Agency (NIPA, Director Heo Seong-wook) aims to promote the distribution of non-face-to-face services in areas closely related to people’s daily lives, such as business, daily consumption, education/evaluation, and well-being/health in the pandemic era. We are pursuing a ‘service revitalization project’. Starting in 2021, as the non-face-to-face digital economy accelerates across the economy and society in response to the great digital transformation in the post-corona era, this project will select and support key investment areas focusing on services that urgently require non-face-to-face transformation. Moa Dream has been selected in the field of education and evaluation.