
    [Pangyo Tech] Embrace Education, signed MOU with Ainamu to enter digital textbook market

    Embrace Education – Ainamu business partnership agreement signed | Photo courtesy of Embrace Education

    ‘Embrace Education’ (CEO Choi Sang-beom), which operates a non-face-to-face learning platform, and ‘Inamoo’ (CEO Park Bomi), which operates the children’s webtoon platform service Inamootoon, announced on the 27th of last month that they have launched an American textbook webtoon and webtoon to enter the domestic digital textbook market. A business agreement (MOU) was signed to promote joint animation development.

    Education Pumda operates the ‘KOMIS’ service, a smart learning content online international school in Korea where classes are conducted non-face-to-face with local teachers in the United States. You will obtain a Joint Diploma and report card from a prestigious high school in the United States (Mount Olive High School). This service also provides opportunities to enter top universities in the United States.

    In recognition of the learning content of KMOIS, an online international school of Education, approximately 50 academies have recently signed contracts as affiliated campuses, and it has quickly received great response from not only education-related companies but also a number of SNS influencers such as hotels and travellers. It’s growing. Inamoo is recognized as a leading domestic company that produces and develops a wide range of works of various genres in the field of children’s and learning webtoons.

    Education Emboda and Inamoo announced that they planned security functions optimized for the remote work environment in preparation for the prolonged COVID-19 period through a period of cooperation before signing the contract, and that they plan to strengthen related learning IP (intellectual property rights).

    Bomi Park, CEO of Inamoo, expressed her thoughts, saying, “With this opportunity, we are confident that we will not only achieve results that will make webtoons effective in the educational environment, but also that webtoons, which are recognized for their value as OSMU, will play a definite role in the educational field as well.” .

    CEO Choi Sang-beom of Education Pumda said, “Recently, the digital education market for elementary school students has been growing rapidly,” and added, “We plan to continue to develop and operate more professional and fun English learning content through collaboration with Ainamu.” .

    Meanwhile, Education Embrace is a company located in the Pangyo Startup Zone, established by the Ministry of SMEs and Startups and operated by the Startup Promotion Agency and the Gyeonggi Creative Economy Innovation Center, and is receiving specialized support such as commercialization support and mentoring from the Gyeonggi Creative Economy Innovation Center.

    Source:  Pangyo Techno Valley Official Newsroom

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