
    Accelix to Unveil ‘Meow Mission’ at 2024 PlayX4 B2B: Rescuing Cats in Crisis In-game and Helping Stray Cats Real-life

    Title image of 'Meow Mission' | Image by Accelix
    Title image of ‘Meow Mission’ | Image by Accelix

    Accelix (CEO Kimin Kim) announced its participation in the 2024 PlayX4 B2B at KINTEX Hall 1 in Ilsan from May 23rd to 26th.

    Accelix is an indie game development team established in November 2023. It started by exploring ​​whether games could provide social impact in addition to fun. With fun as a top priority, they aim to develop games that positively impact society beyond mere entertainment.

    To realize their vision of igniting a small spark of social issue awareness through games, Accelix discovers the seeds of ideas from social issues and expands them into game concepts. The ongoing development of the ‘Meow Mission’ also originated from raising awareness about stray cats.

    Furthermore, Accelix collaborates with organizations such as stray cat shelters, donating a portion of game profits and designating every Tuesday as ‘Social Day’ to volunteer during morning hours, fulfilling their social responsibility.

    Their achievements include completing a project by developing a promotional game for BHC Chicken’s new menu, ‘SOMACHI Chicken,’ in collaboration with TMCK, which secured approximately 13,500 participants during the event period from April 18th to May 1st.

    In collaboration with Save the Children Korea, they are developing a game to raise children’s awareness of environmental pollution and the climate crisis. This project, which has been underway since early 2024, is scheduled to launch in July 2024.

    In-game image of 'Meow Mission' | Image by Accelix
    In-game image of ‘Meow Mission’ | Image by Accelix

    At this year’s Play Expo, they plan to introduce their newly developed title, Meow Mission. Meow Mission is a game that combines puzzles and cat-nurturing simulation. Players solve Sokoban puzzles of various difficulty levels to reach lost cats. After reaching the cats, players can rescue them from crisis through mini-games. Additionally, rescued cats can be cared for or played with at the base, revealing hidden stories.

    All cat characters in the game are designed based on cats from the stray cat shelter ‘Nabiya Saranghae.’ Through this, they aim to introduce stray cats to people and promote adoption. Additionally, Accelix plans to donate some of the game’s revenue to the stray cat shelter. This way, players can play a game to rescue cats while helping real cats in need.

    Accelix stated, “We will showcase game demos to users at the Play Expo and receive feedback to improve the game. Additionally, we plan to give our self-made goods (stickers, keychains, and Korot) to users who follow the game’s Instagram account.” They also revealed their exhibition background: “Our broader goal is to showcase the game to various domestic and international buyers and discuss publishing or investment contracts.”

    Furthermore, they said, “We are considering publishing in the United States and Japan, and we want to introduce ‘Meow Mission’ to global users who love animals through cooperation with animal protection agencies in those countries.” They added, “After the Play Expo, we plan to participate in BIC. Additionally, we will proceed with crowdfunding through Tumblbug.”

    Hosted by Gyeonggi Province and organized by Gyeonggi Content Agency the 2024 PlayX4 B2B event will showcase new releases and experiences from domestic and international game companies under the theme “More than the Fun of Games.” The event will also feature side programs such as a retro market, e-sports competitions, and cosplay events.