Nexon (CEO Jeong-heon Lee) announced that it held a New Year’s party ‘2022 Play Party’ at ‘Project MOD’ on the 7th. This event was attended by creators who participated in the ‘Creators Invitational 2021 (CI 2021)’, a content creation contest using ‘Project MOD’, and the Nexon development team.
‘Project MOD’ is a metaverse creation platform that Nexon is developing using ‘Maple Story’ resources. Through ‘Project MOD’, users can freely create content and even design their own profit structure to generate profits. Nexon is conducting a contest ‘CI 2021’ from November 17 last year to February 9.
This event was held online at ‘Play Party World’ within ‘Project MOD’. In the opening video, PD Jeomrae Jo from the public relations office, who was in charge of hosting the event, announced the start by explaining the event and mission. As soon as it started, numerous participants gathered in one place and created a truly spectacular scene.
According to Nexon, after the opening video ended, three teams consisting of Team M, Team O, and Team D moved to the world where they performed cooperative missions and performed ‘MOD drawing’ to perform the first mission. The ‘MOD Drawing’ mission is a game where you design the letter ‘MOD’ by putting paint on your avatar and coloring it on drawing paper.
Afterwards, the second mission consisted of destroying bug-shaped blocks using a hammer or ladder. Under the rule that the team that quickly breaks all the blocks wins, the participants cooperated through conversation, with some building a ladder with a time limit and others holding a hammer and breaking the blocks several times.
Various gifts were also provided to New Year party participants. To welcome 2022 happily, we will award the ‘Perfectionism Award’, ‘Idea Award’, and ‘Just Enjoy! Award’ in consideration of perfection, completion time, and creativity, as well as the ‘Starbucks Dessert Set’, ‘Happy Cone Exchange Coupon’, He presented the ‘BBQ Golden Olive Set’.
Director Shin Min-seok said, “I was surprised at how creative and outstanding the works shown by the creators of ‘CI 2021’ last year were, and I hope you make fun memories with ‘Project MOD’ this year as well.” He added, “In addition to this ‘2022 Play Party,’ we look forward to an even more enjoyable event.” “I’ll see you,” he said.
Source: Pangyo Techno Valley Official Newsroom
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