
    [Pangyo Bio & Medical] Organoid Science selected as a project by the Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Energy… Leading the standardization of regenerative treatment production and quality evaluation

    Image courtesy of Organoid Science

    Organoid Science announced on the 8th that it was selected as the lead organization for the project ‘Development of quality verification technology and evaluation platform for commercialization of organoid regeneration treatments’ among the bio industry technology development projects hosted by the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy.

    Due to the recent development of stem cell and organoid technology, expectations are rising for the development of cutting-edge biopharmaceuticals such as regenerative treatments using organoids, but for commercialization, ensuring quality reproducibility of differentiation, safety, and efficacy is more important than anything else.

    Organoid Science is a leader pioneering the organoid-related industry and utilizes ATORM (Adult Tissue derived Organoid based Regenerative Medicine), one of its organoid-based platform technologies, to conduct quality verification and commercialization of organoid regenerative treatments. We plan to develop an integrated characteristic evaluation platform to establish original technology and establish ourselves as a leading global regenerative treatment company.

    The purpose of this project is to secure the foundation for industrialization and localization for the commercialization of organoid regeneration therapy, which is emerging as a next-generation regenerative therapy. To successfully carry out the project, Organoid Science develops quantitative analysis methods, data evaluation, and analysis tool development and standardization at each stage in cooperation with CHA Medical University, Gachon University, and Seoul National University Bundang Hospital.

    Through this project, Organoid Science will receive a total of approximately 3.4 billion won in research funds over four years. For clinical application and commercialization of organoid regenerative therapy, we will select a high-quality organoid formulation with optimized regenerative treatment efficacy and conduct research with the goal of establishing an analysis platform that identifies efficacy-based signatures.

    Organoid Science CTO (Technical Director) Gyeong-jin Lee said, “Through this project, we hope to revitalize the regenerative medicine market and the organoid treatment industry through standardization to solve the growing organ shortage and increased demand for treatment as we enter an aging society. “We will strive to build technology and infrastructure that can promote the mutual growth of the convergence industry and the creation of a new industry by commercializing organoid treatments through the introduction of related technologies and entry into clinical trials,” he said. 

    According to an official, “Based on the research and development results of this project, we will accelerate the development of treatments for diseases, including intractable ulcers and dry mouth, based on the ATORM platform, and will be reborn as an oasis-like company that can cure incurable diseases. 

    Source:  Pangyo Techno Valley Official Newsroom

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