IT startup Space Bank Co., Ltd. participated in the program as the 13th mentee company at the K-ICT Startup Mentoring Center metropolitan area (central, eastern, western) integrated network event on July 20th, and was selected as a senior mentee company to share success stories. He announced that he had a seat.
This event of the K-ICT Startup Mentoring Center, Korea’s only startup mentoring and education specialized organization supported by the Ministry of Science and ICT and operated by the Korea Youth Entrepreneurship Foundation, will share various business models of senior and junior mentee companies and model collaboration. It was held to find ways to discover and coexist.
Spacebank introduced the ‘Robot Agency’ service, which provides a cloud-based artificial intelligence robotic processing automation (AI RPA) service. The proxy service is a business model that develops each automation service on a subscription basis that can be applied to various industries and jobs, contributing to lowering the entry barrier for companies in demand for digital transformation (DT).
In addition to Space Bank, Wello (an all-in-one government project collaboration management solution) and Tech Village (an artificial intelligence-based VR platform for patients suffering from stroke, dementia, etc.) announced their success stories as senior mentee companies.
Space Bank CEO Wonhee Lee said, “It is an honor to be able to present a success story as a senior company at this event, and Space Bank also received a lot of help through dedicated mentoring from the K-ICT Startup Mentoring Center as it went through its growth stages.”
In addition, “Through the 20th mentee activity, we will share various concerns and experiences experienced by early-stage companies and further develop the AI RPA business, including RAID, developed by RAIID, setting an example as a senior mentee company dedicated to K-ICT. .” he said.
Meanwhile, Space Bank is currently a resident company of the Pangyo Startup Zone, established by the Ministry of SMEs and Startups and operated by the Korea Startup Agency and the Gyeonggi Creative Economy Innovation Center, and was selected as the 20th mentee company in 2022 for the K-ICT Startup Mentoring Program.
Source: Pangyo Techno Valley Official Newsroom
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