
    [Pangyo Tech] Gaudio Lab introduces ‘immersive technology Audio Tech’ at Naver D2SF Media Meetup

    Gaudio Lab CEO Oh Hyeon-oh is introducing audio tech at the ‘Naver D2SF Media Meetup’.
    Gaudio Lab CEO Oh Hyeon-oh is introducing audio tech at the ‘Naver D2SF Media Meetup’.

    Immersive technology startup Gaudio Lab Co., Ltd. (CEO Oh Hyeon-oh) introduced Audio Tech at the ‘Naver D2SF Media Meet-up’ held at the Naver D2SF office located in Seocho-gu, Seoul on the 17th.

    Gaudio Lab is an audio technology startup with over 20 audio experts, including 7 PhDs in sound engineering, who conduct research and development to provide excellent sound experiences. The currently developed technologies are ▲’AI Source Separation’, which can separate voices, background sounds, and instrument sounds from sound files using AI technology, and ▲’AI Text Sync’, a solution that automatically synchronizes lyrics and sound sources to provide a real-time lyric viewing function. ▲When listening to OTT/music streaming, there is ‘Loudness Normalization’ that reduces volume differences between contents and provides a balanced listening environment.

    At this media meetup, Gaudio Lab explained its plan to focus on metaverse in the future and fill the necessary technologies for spatial sound. He mentioned the problem that there is no sound in the current Metaverse virtual space and said that sound reproduction technology is needed so that people can experience the experience of being in that space even if it is a virtual space.

    Accordingly, Gaudio Lab explains that it is developing and implementing the sound sources needed for each space through ‘Project SSG’, which started with the idea of ​​’What if AI could automatically create sound by just watching video?’

    Gaudio Lab's 'Immersive Audio' technology explained |  Provided - Capture from Gaudio Lab website
    Gaudio Lab’s ‘Immersive Audio’ technology explained | Provided – Capture from Gaudio Lab website

    The solutions developed by Gaudio Lab are currently being applied to Naver Now, introducing BTRS (Being There Recreate System), an immersive audio technology, and are being used in a variety of ways through GSEP instrument separation technology, which extracts individual sound sources for each instrument in a completed song. .

    Gaudio Lab CEO Oh Hyeon-oh said, “We are currently collaborating with Naver to introduce BTRS (Being There Recreate System), an Immersive Audio technology, on Naver Now.” He added, “17 years ago, our company started with the goal of ‘capturing the world with American Hollywood content.’ It started with ambition, but through K-culture, the direction shifted to K-content. “We will introduce immersive technology to people around the world through collaboration with Naver, which is used by many users around the world,” he said.

    Meanwhile, Naver D2SF held the ‘Naver D2SF Media Meetup’ for the second time this year, where technology startups invested by D2SF directly presented their technological capabilities and showed demos. At the media meetup on this day, Gaudio Lab and GEMotion, immersive technology startups that recently invested following Gaji Lab and Predictive, introduced their future business growth plans and synergy results with Naver.

    Source: Pangyo Techno Valley Official Newsroom
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