Naver Corporation presented eight research papers at ‘Interspeech 2022’, the world’s most prestigious speech signal processing conference, proving its global level of voice AI technology.
‘InterSpeech’, now in its 23rd year, is one of the world’s largest conferences in the speech AI field along with ICASSP, and thousands of speech AI experts from around the world attend every year to share the latest research results. This year, it was held at Songdo Convensia in Incheon from the 18th to the 22nd.
There were a total of 8 papers presented by Naver at this Interspeech, of which 5 were accepted for oral presentations. Including papers published by LINE, the number of published papers amounts to 12. A number of joint research papers conducted with leading domestic and foreign research institutions such as Yonsei University, Carnegie Mellon University, and EURECOM were also introduced.
In particular, in addition to mid- to long-term prior research, there is high potential for service application, such as research on how to easily apply emotions to speech synthesis, research on ways to increase speaker recognition performance, and research on ways to streamline memory when learning voice recognition models. The technological research results were outstanding. Currently, Naver is using voice AI technology in various AI services such as Clova Smart Speaker, Clova Dubbing, Clova Note, and Clova Care Call.
In addition to regular paper presentations, Naver actively participated in various sessions at the conference as a leader in the voice AI field. Naver researchers led the ‘SASV (Spoofing-Aware Automatic Speaker Verification) Challenge’, a special session related to speaker authentication, and Clova speech leader Chan-gyu Lee participated as a speaker in the industry talk, representing Clova’s Voice recognition technology and services were also introduced to researchers around the world.
Naver participated in ‘Interspeech 2022’ as a Diamond sponsor, operating a booth during the conference, sharing the latest technology and securing excellent human resources. About 60 student researchers attended the ‘NAVER Night’ event held on the 19th and had time to interact with Naver researchers.
Seok-geun Jeong, CEO of Naver Clova CIC, said, “Naver is providing innovative AI services to users based on the excellent voice AI technology that has been recognized by Interspeech for five consecutive years.” He added, “We will continue to secure excellent voice AI technology in the future.” “By investing, we will further solidify Naver’s AI leadership.”
Meanwhile, Naver has already had 88 papers presented and accepted this year at the most prestigious global AI conferences, including InterSpeech, ICML, CVPR, ECCV, and NAACL, already exceeding last year’s record of 66 papers. all.
Source: Pangyo Techno Valley Official Newsroom
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