Kids Note Co., Ltd. and Aria Care Korea Co., Ltd. signed a business agreement (MOU) to spread high-quality care services and revitalize the cutting-edge ICT-based care tech industry.
Kids Note is a representative smart notification service company and operates ▲’Kids Note’, which accounts for 85% of the infant and toddler market, and ▲’Class Note’ service, which helps communication between academies and parents.
Through partnerships with various companies, Kids Note ultimately pursues social value that can improve the quality of actual care by supporting reliable communication wherever care is needed and streamlining administrative tasks required for institutions.
Based on these values, this business agreement also promoted cooperation with Aria Care, which has great potential in the senior industry, to realize coexistence with various partners in a wider range of fields, and is steadily expanding in the era of super-aging. The two companies agreed to sign an agreement to improve the quality of the senior industry.
Aria Care Korea is a specialized home care agency established in August 2016. It provides on-site care services and day and night care for seniors over 65 years old who need long-term care or recipients of long-term care benefits who have difficulty living alone due to dementia or geriatric diseases. We provide protection services and operate the Caregiver Academy, an institution that trains the necessary care service personnel.
In the future, the two companies plan to cooperate with the goals of ▲ joint research, development and advancement of the senior care platform ▲ improvement of the quality of long-term care services through cutting-edge ICT integration.
KidsNote CEO Choi Jang-wook said, “As the importance of the senior industry continues to expand in an ultra-aging society through cooperation with Aria Care, we can actively utilize the experience and capabilities that KidsNote has accumulated over the past 10 years to make a practical contribution to the senior industry.” “We plan to create services that are available,” he said.
Source: Pangyo Techno Valley Official Newsroom
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