AhnLab successfully completed the ‘Technical Support Headquarters School’ held for four days from Tuesday the 11th to Friday the 14th of this month to strengthen the capabilities of AhnLab Technical Support Headquarters executives and staff.
This event was planned to provide better customer technical support services by further strengthening the security expertise of technical support headquarters executives and staff and expanding work-related knowledge.
In this training, AhnLab invited internal instructors and external experts in each field to provide various sessions to strengthen the work capabilities of technical support personnel on the topics of △sharing of technical support cases, △AhnLab solution and work process training, △communication skills, and △cloud conversion. proceeded.
First, Soyeon Park, author of <People who are good at things speak simply>, presented communication skills that are essential when communicating with customers. The next day, Kakao’s technical director Gong-jun Gong introduced the direction of the company’s cloud transition and the knowledge about the cloud environment and introduction that technical support personnel need to know under the theme of ‘Cloud transition, the real story.’
Lectures by AhnLab’s internal experts continued. Know-how and knowledge helpful in practice were shared, ranging from customer technical support cases to ways to use AhnLab’s integrated contact center ‘ASK’.
In his greeting, CEO Kang Seok-gyun said, “In order to realize our core values of individual self-development and customer satisfaction, we must understand the rapidly changing IT security environment and acquire the necessary knowledge.” He added, “This training will help the executives and staff of the Technical Support Division. “I hope this will be an opportunity to grow into an expert who can provide better technical support services.”
Ji-min Lee, an employee of EP Technical Support Team 1 of the Technical Support Division who participated in this training, said, “It was an opportunity to learn about changes in the IT environment and communication skills that are essential for customer support.” He added, “In particular, I was able to hear actual customer support cases and problem-solving know-how. “It was a great help in my work,” he said.
Meanwhile, AhnLab held the ‘AhnLab Developer Conference’ in September to strengthen the capabilities of in-house research and development personnel, as well as the irregular in-house training program ‘VIEW Inside’, which shares the expert knowledge and know-how of in-house executives and employees. We are consistently carrying out educational programs to strengthen the expertise of executives and employees, such as holding ‘.
Source: Pangyo Techno Valley Official Newsroom
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