
    [Pangyo Tech] AhnLab introduces security solutions in the energy and power sectors at ‘BIXPO 2022’… “We will systematically respond to evolving security threats!”

    Provided by AhnLab
    Provided by AhnLab

    AhnLab participated in the ‘Bitgaram International Power Technology Expo (hereinafter referred to as BIXPO)’ held at the Kimdaejung Convention Center in Gwangju from Wednesday, November 2 to Friday, November 4, and introduced the latest security solutions for security in the energy and power fields.

    AhnLab set up a dedicated booth at this event and presented to public institutions and industry officials in the energy industry ▲’AhnLab EDR’, a next-generation endpoint threat detection and response solution ▲’AhnLab EPP’, an endpoint security platform ▲Next-generation network intrusion prevention solution Latest security features such as ‘AhnLab AIPS’ ▲OT visibility and threat detection monitoring solution ‘CEREBRO-IDS’ ▲Subsidiary company Naonworks’ physical one-way security solution ‘CEREBRO-DD’ ▲Internet phone security gateway ‘VIPER-N’ Solutions were exhibited and customer consultations were conducted.

    At this event, AhnLab also won the gold medal in the energy efficiency category at the ‘BIXPO STAR Company Award’. The ‘BIXPO STAR Corporate Award’ is an award given to companies that will lead carbon neutrality and energy security among participating companies in each exhibition category (energy efficiency, intelligent power grid, and clean energy) through the votes of on-site visitors who participated in this event.

    “Power generation and energy facilities are areas that can directly affect our daily lives in the event of a breach,” said Lee Sang-guk, head of AhnLab’s marketing division. “We will provide a variety of solutions and services to increase and systematically respond.”

    Source: Pangyo Techno Valley Official Newsroom
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