Following strategic investments in ventures and startups, Wemade Play Co., Ltd. is recruiting talent for key job roles.
Wemade Play, which has been recruiting personnel by job group through permanent recruitment methods and internships, covers all fields, including development positions such as game and server development, game planning, design, and QA, as well as marketing, legal affairs, and human resources.
This recruitment is characterized by the expansion of recruitment of blockchain-related developers, community operations, and customer support positions. The company explained that it has decided to recruit developers to grow together as developers are highly interested in the global blockchain field and are preparing for various new businesses.
Wemade Play has decided to establish and proceed with a new recruitment process that expands existing convenience features such as free-form introductions and portfolios. A representative new system is the Help Desk, where any job applicant can visit the company and meet with a person in charge to resolve any questions they may have, and the visit schedule, including interviews, can be tailored to the applicant as much as possible.
Na Yoon-soo, head of the human resources team, said, “We expect this open recruitment to be an opportunity to create Wemade Play’s unique culture that lowers the threshold for job applications by creating an applicant-centered hiring culture.”
Ho-dae Lee, CEO of Wemade Play, said, “Our goal is to gain an overwhelming advantage over other global competitors in the blockchain and gaming industry,” adding, “We will make various external investments to secure source technology, as well as internal investments such as recruitment and training to expand services.” “We will continue,” he said.
Meanwhile, Wemade Play is recruiting talent and making various investments to secure human infrastructure and new technologies. Wemade Play, which invested 3 billion won in technology ventures such as Metaverse, webtoon platform, facial recognition solution, and AI video through management company Future Play in the second quarter, invested 5 billion won in investment in Union Investment Partners’ e-commerce, We have made venture investments in the digital content field. In addition, it recently announced investment in a 6 billion won specialized fund for startups to secure new technologies and coexist with startups.
Source: Pangyo Techno Valley Official Newsroom
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