Dongseong ITEC completed technology verification (PoC) with Seoul City and Seongnam City and established an eco-friendly parking management platform, ‘Flexible Parking Service’.
Flexible parking is a parking management platform that uses parking surface digitalization technology to create and manage parking lots without installing hardware such as IoT sensors. It is highly regarded as an environmentally friendly solution to the parking problem in that parking spaces can be supplied flexibly, minimizing parking lot construction and operating costs.
Seongnam City Council is reviewing the technology as applicable to on-street parking and resident priority parking in the ‘research service to solve parking problems’, and other local governments are also discussing it with the goal of introducing pilot operation.
Dongseong Itech is the only domestic parking service platform that possesses unrivaled technology to distinguish between users and illegally parked vehicles. On the 14th, it received recognition for its technology by winning an award at the ‘Korea Location-Based Service Contest’ hosted by the Korea Communications Commission and Korea Internet & Security Agency.
Lee Yong-seok, CEO of Dongseong ITEC, expressed his commitment, saying, “We plan to build a system that can be used in connection with a mobility platform with the goal of full-scale commercialization in 2023.”
Meanwhile, Dongseong ITEC, a flexible parking service development company, was selected for the 2022 Startup Leap Package Support Project of the Ministry of SMEs and Startups and Startup Promotion Agency and is receiving customized support such as commercialization support and mentoring from the Gyeonggi Creative Economy Innovation Center, the host organization.
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