Gyeonggi Province and the Army are establishing a cooperative relationship to utilize dronebots and artificial intelligence (AI) for the innovative growth of companies in the province and the development of Army science and technology. On the 7th, Gyeonggi Province Governor Lee Jae-myung held the ‘Gyeonggi Province-Republic of Korea Army Business Agreement Ceremony for Mutual Exchange and Cooperation in the Future Technology Field’ with Army Chief of Staff General Nam Young-shin in the conference room of the Gyeonggi Creative Economy Innovation Center in Pangyo, Seongnam-si. Park Sang-geun, commander of the Army Training Command, and Eom Yong-jin, head of the planning and management staff at the Army Headquarters, also attended the event. Governor Lee said, “The most important thing in running a country is to protect the national community from attacks such as war, disaster, disease, and terrorism, so national defense is the top priority.” “I think it is the advancement of weapon systems and equipment,” he said. He continued, “In that respect, this agreement is an excellent opportunity that will greatly help strengthen the military’s security capabilities and further contribute to the development of civilian technology.” He said, “I have long thought that it would be good to improve the military system in a way that helps enlisted soldiers develop their individual capabilities and chart future career paths, rather than simply wasting time and sacrificing their time. “I hope that (the agreement) will serve as an opportunity to strengthen our military’s smart military through the advancement of its weapons systems and provide new opportunities to young people serving,” he added. General Nam said, “The Army is making every effort to create a new smart national defense and smart army by creating Army Vision 2050 and incorporating defense science and technology in response to future troop reductions. “I hope that the Army will become a test bed and serve as an important opportunity to expand Korea’s dronebot industry and develop AI (artificial intelligence) based on this,” he said. According to the agreement, the province will support the operation of the Army Artificial Intelligence Collaboration Center located at the Pangyo Startup Campus. In addition, Gyeonggi-do companies will participate in the dronebot and artificial intelligence project promoted by the Army, and the Army will participate in the creation of an artificial intelligence convergence cluster and artificial intelligence demonstration project created by Gyeonggi-do. Accordingly, it is expected to become a new public-private-military cooperation business model in which companies in the province and province will cooperate in building the Army’s smart defense system, and the Army will discover the latest technologies possessed by companies and turn the combat system into intelligent information. Meanwhile, the province has cooperated with the Army by selecting tasks such as combat experiments in the defense field and establishing a support system for military conferences as part of the demonstration project to foster the artificial intelligence industry in the province. In addition, with a budget of 3.2 billion won this year, various support projects are being promoted, such as support for areas around military bases such as the construction of widened and paved access roads to the Jeokam-ri recruit training center in Paju, and support for subscription to accident insurance for young Gyeonggi soldiers serving in the military.
Source: Pangyo Techno Valley Official Newsroom
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