
    [Pangyo Startup] Hidden Scout publishes “Change and Recruitment Trends” booklet for ‘job changers’

    Hidden Scout job change/recruitment trend booklet image | Provided by Hidden Scout

    ‘Hidden Scout (CEO Bang Hyun-bae)’, a job change platform with no rumors of job changes, announced on the 17th that it has recently published ‘Hidden Scout Job Change and Recruitment Trends’ for job seekers.

    Hidden Scout is a company located in the Pangyo Startup Zone, established by the Ministry of SMEs and Startups and operated by the Korea Startup Agency and the Gyeonggi Creative Economy Innovation Center. We provide pseudonym processing services for personal information in the experienced job market, and are well-received by job seekers and headhunters who are sensitive to personal information protection.

    This booklet contains information on changing recruitment and job change trends, and is aimed at both companies that use headhunting services and office workers who are eligible.

    In particular, Chapter 3 of the booklet, ‘I don’t like rumors about job changes’, is about rumors that arise during the process of changing jobs, and contains realistic content that any office worker dreaming of changing jobs can sympathize with.

    “It is unfortunate that job seekers are harmed by rumors that arise during the job change process,” said Bang Hyun-bae, CEO of Hidden Scouts. “I hope that many job seekers will be able to freely prepare for job changes by changing jobs without rumors through Hidden Scout’s service.”

    Meanwhile, Hidden Scout’s safe job change suggestion service is a service in which AI automatically processes job seekers’ personal information into pseudonyms. It is receiving a positive response from job seekers, with the number of job transfer proposals exceeding 10,000 in just 50 days of opening.

    Source:  Pangyo Techno Valley Official Newsroom

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