
    [Pangyo Event] Gyeonggi Creative Economy Innovation Center, recruiting group companies to participate in open innovation

    Gyeonggi Creative Economy Innovation Center (hereinafter referred to as ‘Gyeonggi Innovation Center’) announced on the 22nd that it is recruiting group companies that wish to collaborate with innovative startups by the 30th of next month.

    Since 2016, the Gyeonggi Innovation Center has jointly operated an open innovation program with its partner KT and has carried out more than 70 commercialization linkages, including PoC, strategic investment, and commercialization. In the second half of this year, we plan to expand the number of participating group companies and promote ‘Matching Day’ for collaboration with innovative startups.

    Gyeonggi Creative Economy Innovation Center Open Innovation Group Company Recruitment Poster | Provided by – Gyeonggi Creative Economy Innovation Center

    Matching Day supports collaborative matching with innovative startups based on business demand within the group. The advantage is that problems that are difficult to solve within the group can be solved by quickly introducing startup technology.

    The Gyeonggi Innovation Center plans to partially support the costs of linkage and cooperation with innovative startups through a separate review. In addition, we will review and support collaborative startups with ▲ office space support in Pangyo ▲ direct investment review of the center and linkage with investment companies ▲ linkage with commercialization funding support ▲ expert consulting on patents, law, interpretation and translation, etc. ▲ provision of cloud credit. Through this, we plan to actively promote collaboration between group companies and promising startups.

    An official at the Gyeonggi Innovation Center said, “Recently, cases such as the creation of innovative models and entry into new businesses through open innovation are emerging one after another. Group companies can quickly respond to market changes, and startups have opportunities to create new profits.” “It’s a win-win in that respect.”

    Detailed information on recruiting open innovation group companies can be found on the Gyeonggi Creative Economy Innovation Center website.

    Source:  Pangyo Techno Valley Official Newsroom

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