
    [Pangyo Event] Gyeonggi Creative Economy Innovation Center selects 45 teams of local creators in the metropolitan area who will save the region

    ■ Strengthening the capabilities of local creators in the metropolitan area through education, networking, and investment support programs

    Local creator recruitment notice poster | Provided by – Gyeonggi-do

    The Gyeonggi Creative Economy Innovation Center (hereinafter referred to as ‘Gyeonggi Innovation Center’) announced on the 23rd that it has selected 45 teams of local creators in the metropolitan area to participate in the 2021 region-based local creator revitalization support project.

    The ’21 Region-Based Local Creator Activation Support Project’, hosted by the Ministry of SMEs and Startups and the Korea Institute of Startup and Entrepreneurship Development, was designed to increase the value of the region and revitalize the economy by incorporating innovative ideas based on regional resources and characteristics.

    Six creative economy innovation centers across the country are promoting this project by region (metropolitan area, Jeju-do, Gangwon-do, Yeongnam area, Chungcheong area, and Honam area), and the Gyeonggi Innovation Center is in charge of the metropolitan area.

    A total of 45 teams from 7 major fields were selected as local creators in the metropolitan area. ▲’Kim Joo-hyun Baigak’, a repair platform using the technology and repair stickers of Incheon’s master craftsmen ▲Sailing trip ‘Sailing Yacht Club (regional specialized tourism sector)’ using the Han River story ▲Catnip production and production based on Anseong Related product production ‘Kkomnyang Co., Ltd. (local manufacturing sector)’ ▲ Suwon modern culture street experience through Metabus ’17 Jungle (digital cultural experience sector)’ ▲ Pear powder manufacturing using Namyangju Meokgol pears ‘Hongmu Station (local food sector)’ ‘ ▲’Anchor Lab Co., Ltd. (base brand field)’, which revives the tradition of Jongno Clock Alley, ▲’Incheon Boreumdo Someday Project’, ‘Snooping (nature-friendly field)’, etc.

    In addition, local creators representing various regions, such as Hanbok tourism content utilizing the Korean Wave and Gyeongbokgung Palace, Cube Art Museum in Mullae Art Village, 100-year brewery and handmade pancakes in Ganghwa Island, and DMZ dark tourism, will participate.

    The local creators selected this time will receive commercialization funds of up to 10 million won for prospective entrepreneurs and up to 30 million won for existing startups, as well as capacity building support through various programs such as education, networking, and performance sharing sessions.

    An official at the Gyeonggi Innovation Center said, “We will do our best to support nurturing excellent local creators,” and added, “We look forward to finding new value in the region through the creation of local content unique to the metropolitan area.”

    Source:  Pangyo Techno Valley Official Newsroom

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