
    [PANGYO ISSUE] Pangyo Techno Valley Weekly News News from the last week of May

    -Naver unveils Korea’s first large-scale AI ‘HyperCLOVA’

    Naver’s super-large AI, Hyper CLOVA | Provided by Naver

    At the ‘Naver AI Now’ conference held online on the 25th, Naver disclosed the achievements of Naver AI technology and its future direction since the introduction of the supercomputer in October last year.

    Seok-geun Jeong, CEO of Naver Clova CIC, said in a keynote speech, “Global technology giants are accelerating investments in anticipation of the disruptive innovation that large-scale AI models will bring. “In order for Korea’s AI technology to not be dependent on global platforms, we judged that it could not stop at the level of using and catching up with already published technologies,” he said. Ultra-scale AI is high-performance AI that requires ultra-large servers, data, and manpower.

    Naver emphasized that it will lead the era of ‘AI for everyone’ by providing new and differentiated experiences to users, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), and creators through Hyperclova, which changes the paradigm of existing Korean AI.

    -Odin Robotics opens a new paradigm in the ‘unmanned butcher shop’ industry with AI-based unmanned solution

    Odin Robotics-Meet King Collaboration | Provided by – Gyeonggi-do

    ‘Odin Robotics’, a company specializing in unmanned solutions, will open an ‘unmanned butcher shop’ in mid-May in collaboration with premium meat brand ‘Meat King’.

    Odin Robotics is introducing Heimdall Unmanned 365, which combines the latest technological elements such as AI and IoT, into unmanned butcher shops. In particular, the self-developed technology that automatically detects abnormal temperatures by checking the temperature of the refrigerator with vision is being applied for the first time. The technology prototype is planned to be released in the future.

    Heimdall Unmanned 365 sounds an automatic alarm when the door or refrigerator door is left open for a long time or when an abnormal temperature of the refrigerator is detected. In order to reduce deterioration and damage caused by refrigerated food being left at room temperature, products that have been left on a table for a certain period of time can also be checked. In addition, it is possible to manage the store in real time through the application by managing the entry and exit of customers, homelessness that can occur in unmanned stores, and abnormal behavior within the store.

    By using Odin Robotics’ cutting-edge AI automated unmanned store technology, Meat King expects to create a new wave in the unmanned butcher industry.

    -Public-private cooperation next-generation platform forward base ‘Metaverse Alliance’ launched in Pangyo

    Cho Kyung-sik, Second Vice Minister of Science and ICT, who participated in the Metaverse Alliance launch ceremony | Filming – Aving News

    The Ministry of Science and ICT said, “As part of the ‘virtual convergence economy development strategy’ that is the basis of the metaverse policy, the Alliance is a system led by the private sector on a project basis and supported by the government to realize a digital new deal and lead the metaverse era. “It was formed,” he explained.

    The Ministry of Science and ICT will seek various support measures based on the results presented by the Alliance, and will especially focus on supporting the establishment of an open Metaverse platform to revitalize the Metaverse ecosystem. To this end, together with the National IT Industry Promotion Agency, we plan to promote joint discovery and planning of metaverse projects between companies centered on the metaverse hub and support the growth of metaverse companies, content production and verification, and developer training.

    Cho Kyung-sik, Second Vice Minister of Science and ICT, said, “Metaverse is not a space monopolized by one large company, but a space created by multiple companies and entities coexisting together,” and added, “The private-led Metaverse Alliance will be the focal point of cooperation.” reported.

    -SK Bioscience secures up to KRW 200 billion in additional coronavirus vaccine development costs

    SK Bioscience Researcher | Provided by – SK Bioscience

    The additional funds secured this time will be used for △multinational phase 3 clinical trials and licensing of GBP510 △development of a commercial process with an annual production scale of hundreds of millions of doses and introduction of related raw materials △additional R&D in preparation for mutant strains.

    GBP510 is a COVID-19 vaccine candidate jointly developed by SK Bioscience with the Antigen Design Institute (IPD) at the University of Washington. It entered phase 1 and 2 clinical trials at the end of last year, and is currently undergoing stage 2, the equivalent of phase 2 clinical trials.

    SK Bioscience plans to submit an IND (clinical trial plan) for multi-country phase 3 clinical trials to the licensing authorities of relevant countries, including the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety, as early as the first half of this year. The goal is to commercialize it in the first half of next year through expedited approval procedures such as emergency use authorization.

    As GBP510 was selected as the target of CEP’s ‘Wave2 (next generation COVID-19 vaccine)’ project last year, once commercialized, it will be supplied to the world, including underdeveloped countries such as Africa, South America, and Southeast Asia, through the COVAX facility.

    Jae-Yong Ahn, President of SK Bioscience, said, “CEPI’s full support for GBP510 shows the technological level and potential value of this vaccine candidate,” adding, “We will complete a vaccine that can prevent even mutant viruses with GBP510 and expand the plant to expand the production capacity.” “We will take the lead in ending the pandemic by supplying a sufficient amount of vaccines to the world,” he said.

    -Leaping forward as a virtual asset company… Wemade’s confidence

    Jang Hyeon-guk, CEO of Wemade | Provided by – Wemade

    Wemade achieved its highest quarterly sales since its founding in the first quarter of 2021. First quarter sales were approximately KRW 76 billion and operating profit was approximately KRW 27.5 billion, up 147% and 755%, respectively, compared to the same period last year.

    The company explains that this performance was driven by ‘Mir 4’. Mir 4, which was released last year, contributed to the company’s sales increase by posting total sales of 45.6 billion won in the first quarter alone.

    Above all, the industry’s assessment is that it is a valuable success as it returned to Korea with ‘Mir 4’ only last year, as the long litigation battle with the Chinese game company that illegally stole Mir IP (intellectual property rights) entered its final stage.

    CEO Jang Hyun-guk plans to continue the upward trend in performance through continued investment in new technologies such as blockchain. In a conference call held immediately after the announcement of the first quarter of 2021 performance, he said, “I think this first quarter is very meaningful as we have achieved the best performance since Wemade was founded as promised last year.” He added, “Wemade’s future is based on metaverse (games) in line with changes in the world. ) and evolve into a virtual asset company to turn the flow of change into an opportunity.”

    Source:  Pangyo Techno Valley Official Newsroom

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