Arom Information Technology Co., Ltd. (CEO Yunjae Lee), which was selected in the health and well-being field of the National IT Industry Promotion Agency (NIPA)’s ‘2023 Non-face-to-face Leading Service Activation Project in Life-Friendly Fields’, was established in October 2008 and is a back-office management platform in the cloud and IoT fields. We are engaged in construction and maintenance business. It is growing rapidly through the development of my data platform software in various fields of finance, health, and culture and the business of providing non-face-to-face healthcare services based on it. Major achievements over the past three years include CMP (Cloud Management Platform) sales of KRW 10 billion, TDMP (Telecommunication Device Management Platform) and SMS (Safety Management System) sales of KRW 5 billion, and MyDaaS (MyData as a Service) targeting large telecommunication companies, SI, and financial companies. Service Platform) sales reached KRW 1.5 billion.
‘Medipharm Fit’, which was selected for this demonstration project, improves recommendation accuracy by linking personal health data, and allows users to purchase health functional foods through a mobile app based on consultation reports issued by professional pharmacists and manage intake after purchase. Officials explain that it is a service that can be used safely and conveniently. It is an open platform for distribution of customized health functional foods that can be used by health functional food sales businesses such as multiple pharmacy chains, subdivision manufacturers, pharmacists, and nutritionists to manage non-face-to-face customer service.
An official from Arom Information Technology said, “The domestic health functional food market has grown rapidly by about 25% over the past four years, and it is closely related to personal life, with more than 80% of all households purchasing health functional foods. “The customized health functional food market is emerging in line with the recent self-medication trend where consumers value personalization, convenience, and safety,” he said. “Our service improves consumers’ non-face-to-face consultation channels and purchasing convenience, As a result of the satisfaction survey, it received an evaluation of over 85 points. “We have also improved usability from the service provider perspective by upgrading effective product management and customer management functions and platform functions for small-scale sales,” he emphasized.
Arom Information Technology then explained the purpose of participating in this project: ▲Implementing a personalized health functional food recommendation service based on health data and expert consultation, ▲Reflecting the commercialization requirements of the consumer (pharmacy chain) and the personalization requirements of consumers. ▲ Improving service functions, usability, and customer satisfaction; ▲ revitalizing the role of pharmacy chains as a safe purchase place for health functional foods through the operation of verification services; and increasing sales of non-face-to-face service providers and securing new growth engines.

Lastly, an official said, “We will expand sustainable revenue sources by encouraging customized health functional food subscription services for individual consumers who are familiar with online services, and provide customized healthcare services by expanding health functional food manufacturers, pharmacy chains, professional counselors, and other affiliate channels. “We plan to create an eco-ecosystem foundation for the market.”
Meanwhile, the National IT Industry Promotion Agency (NIPA, Director Heo Seong-wook) aims to promote the distribution of non-face-to-face services in areas closely related to people’s daily lives, such as business, daily consumption, education/evaluation, and well-being/health in the pandemic era. We are pursuing a ‘service revitalization project’. Starting in 2021, as the non-face-to-face digital economy accelerates across the economy and society in response to the great digital transformation in the post-corona era, this project will select and support key investment areas focusing on services that urgently require non-face-to-face transformation. Arom Information Technology has been selected in the health and well-being field.