GH announced that it is pursuing a ‘public test bed support project’ that provides demonstration opportunities to promising companies with innovative technologies. This project is one of the ‘high value-added job creation strategies in Gyeonggi Province’ that GH is pursuing.
GH provides an opportunity for companies with innovative technologies leading the Fourth Industrial Revolution to verify their products or technological services before entering the market.
The public test bed support project promoted by GH this year is ‘Demonstration of disaster and safety accident prevention technology at construction sites using artificial intelligence (AI) technology.’ The main goal is to demonstrate technology that uses artificial intelligence (AI) to detect abnormal behavior of workers at construction sites where there is a risk of safety accidents and prevent them from leading to safety accidents.
This project is part of the ‘AI Technology Demonstration Test Bed Creation Project’ implemented by the Ministry of Science and ICT, and is promoted through collaboration between the Gyeonggi Province Economic and Science Promotion Agency (hereinafter referred to as Gyeonggi Agency), the project management agency, and GH.
The project is promoted in a way that the Gyeongwonwon selects technology development companies through a public contest process and GH provides a verification testing site.
Open Sysnet Co., Ltd., a small and medium-sized venture company specializing in deep learning artificial intelligence technology, and Endpoint Lab Co., Ltd., a cloud-based security solution development company, were finally selected to participate in this contest project.
GH selected the new Global Biz Center construction site under construction in Pangyo 2nd as a test bed location in consideration of the synergy effect linked to Pangyo Techno Valley while preventing disasters and safety accidents at the construction site of Pangyo 2nd Techno Valley, which is currently under construction.
Jang Ki-jin, head of the GH Economic Promotion Division, said, “We will continue to expand the provision of optimal demonstration space so that the technologies and products of promising companies in the era of the 4th Industrial Revolution can actively enter the market.” “We will strive to contribute to the creation of quality jobs,” he said.
Source: Pangyo Techno Valley Official Newsroom
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